Kamis, 07 April 2011

Ford Vertrek Concept 2011 1600x1200 wallpaper 08

Ford Vertrek Concept 2011 1600x1200 wallpaper 08 From http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?hl=it&sl=en&u=http://www.thatcars.com/2011-new-ford-vertex-concept/&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dford%2Bvertex%26hl%3Dit%26biw%3D1436%26bih%3D694%26prmd%3Divns&rurl=translate.google.it&usg=ALkJrhjDGb0VIvbnJA00CANje1YWyu5gGg

Ford Vertrek Concept previews a sleeker, sportier and more stylish ...
Ford Motor Company today unveiled its vision for a sleeker, sportier and more stylish compact SUV at the 2011 NAIAS. The Ford Vertrek concept previews the company's ambition for a next-generation, global compact SUV that could lead the ... The Ford Kuga has consistently ranked third in its segment, in which all major manufacturers compete, since its launch in 2008. Nearly 70 percent of Kuga customers opt for the high series. Globally, the compact SUV segment has shown ...

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